About Us

Property Tax Counsel, LLC was formed through the collaboration of attorneys who have decades of experience in real estate practice. Our firm focuses on tax appeal strategies to maximize our client’s savings by addressing over-assessment issues with Cook County taxing authorities. Property Tax Counsel operates in the city of Chicago and in all 30 Cook County townships. Property Tax Counsel is committed to identifying discrepancies in county records and providing effective recovery solutions while holding itself to the highest industry standards of service and integrity. We founded our law firm on the belief that Cook County’s taxing system is unfair and levies property tax assessments inequitably.

You pay only if we are successful

There are no upfront fees. You pay a percentage of your first year’s tax savings, even though the savings will benefit you beyond the first year.

Our Purpose

To restore a measure of fairness in property taxation by delivering high quality property tax appeal services to the property owners of Cook County, Illinois.

Our Goal

To save you money! You should NOT be paying more property tax than your neighbors.